North Korea《Posters》FDC
Time:7.11.2008(First Day of issue)
Postmark:standard postmark
"Two stamps showing posters were issued.
12 won stamp:
It vividly shoes the fact that there is nobady to win over the Korean People's Army which was developed into the invincible revolutionary strong army of Mt.Paektu under the wise leadership of Leader Kim Jong Il.
85 won stamp:
It shows well the validity and vitality of the policy of the Party on actively comtrubuting to the people's life by doing well the bean framing."-Korean Stamp Co.,
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I collect stamps and cover-especially mail FDC by real post at first day of issue. If you also interested in swap cover with me, please e-mail:
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2008年12月26日 星期五
North Korea《50th anniversary of introduction of the universal secondary compulsory education system》FDC
Time:1.11.2008(First Day of issue)(?)
Postmark:standard postmark
"A stamp was issue to mark the 50th anniversary of introduction of the universal secondary compulsory education system.
The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung regarded the education of the offsprings as an important undertaking which decides the prosperity and ruin of the country and saw to it that the decree of the Supreme People's Assembly of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on giving the compulsory secondary education to all the coming generations and on arranging the readliness of being capable of giving the technical compulsory education was adopted on October 2.Juche 47(1958).
The stamp shows the schoolchildren who are growing up safe and sound to be pillars in the building of the great prosperous and powerful nation. showing their talents to the heart's content under the wing of the party."-Korean Stamp Co.,
Time:1.11.2008(First Day of issue)(?)
Postmark:standard postmark
"A stamp was issue to mark the 50th anniversary of introduction of the universal secondary compulsory education system.
The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung regarded the education of the offsprings as an important undertaking which decides the prosperity and ruin of the country and saw to it that the decree of the Supreme People's Assembly of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on giving the compulsory secondary education to all the coming generations and on arranging the readliness of being capable of giving the technical compulsory education was adopted on October 2.Juche 47(1958).
The stamp shows the schoolchildren who are growing up safe and sound to be pillars in the building of the great prosperous and powerful nation. showing their talents to the heart's content under the wing of the party."-Korean Stamp Co.,
2008年12月22日 星期一
2008年12月21日 星期日
Cover back from PMR, Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (Transnistria)
上次寄南奧塞提亞(South Ossetia)和阿布哈茲(Abkhazia)都失敗收場
上面貼了張CN15,不過很可惜的是,上面德涅斯特河沿岸共和國郵局的郵戳(Почта ПМР)並不是很清楚,所以只好看看背面有沒有了
還好背後有蠻清楚的戳子到達摩爾多瓦的CPTP SPS
上次寄南奧塞提亞(South Ossetia)和阿布哈茲(Abkhazia)都失敗收場
上面貼了張CN15,不過很可惜的是,上面德涅斯特河沿岸共和國郵局的郵戳(Почта ПМР)並不是很清楚,所以只好看看背面有沒有了
還好背後有蠻清楚的戳子到達摩爾多瓦的CPTP SPS
2008年12月20日 星期六
Hongkong《Hong Kong, China – Republic of Korea Joint Issue on Masks》FDC
Location:GPO, Hongkong
Time:6.11.2008(First Day of issue)
Postmark:Special postmark and standard postmark
"民間舞蹈源遠流長,風采獨具,內容或反映日常生活,或取材神話傳說。由於歷史文化背景的差異,不同地方的民間舞蹈大異其趣,但當中也有共通之處,例如舞者常會佩戴面具,突顯角色的身分或性格。香港郵政與韓國郵政現以 "面具”為題,聯合發行一套兩枚郵票,展示兩地民間舞蹈中各具特色的面具。這套郵票是香港第九度與海外郵政機關合作推出的郵品。
中國香港面具 — 南獅大頭佛面具
大頭佛的起源眾說不一,但多與獅子有關。南獅表演中最先登場的大頭佛笑口常開,手握葵扇,以滑稽的動作逗引獅子舞出靈巧招式,為喜慶活動增添熱鬧氣氛。大頭佛還會用各種頑皮動作故意戲弄,誘領獅子"採青"或"破陣",象徵為各家各炉帶來"吉祥"、 "豐收"的好兆頭。
大韓民國面具 — 鳳山假面舞面具
"Staged folk dance is a unique performance genre with a long history. Its themes cover a wide spectrum of subjects ranging from people’s daily activities to myths and legends. While folk dances from different nations display a rich variety of styles because of differences in their historical and cultural backgrounds, they do share some common features. One example is the use of masks to highlight the identity or character of individual dancers. Hongkong Post and Korea Post jointly issue a set of two stamps on "Masks" to showcase the distinct folk dance masks of the two places. This marks the ninth joint stamp issue released by Hongkong Post with other postal administrations.
Mask from Hong Kong, China — Big Head Buddha Mask in Southern Lion Dance
There are different versions of the origin of Big Head Buddha, but most are associated with lions. In the Southern Lion Dance, the first one to appear in the show is the always cheerful Big Head Buddha. A fellow with a palm leaf fan in his hand, the Big Head acts in an amusing way to provoke the lion to perform a series of agile manoeuvres, enhancing the joyous festive mood. The Big Head also plays funny tricks on the lion to induce it to "Cai Qing" (Pick the Greens) or "Po Zhen" (Smash the Battle Line), a symbol of bringing "good luck" and "bumper crops" to all households.
Mask from Republic of Korea — Chwibari Mask of Bongsan Mask Dance Drama
The Bongsan Mask Dance Drama, designated the "Important Intangible Cultural Property No. 17 of Korea", is steeped in realism. Each mask used in a performance reveals the occupation and social status of a character. Through delightfully nimble movements and humorous presentation, the dancers satirise social ills or express the concerns and frustrations of ordinary people. Their performance gives the audience an opportunity to temporarily take their minds off their worries. The most famous folk dance form in Korea, the Bongsan Mask Dance Drama is frequently staged at home and abroad during seasonal festivals and celebrations for good harvests or marvellous feats, as well as ceremonies to welcome visiting dignitaries.
With two opposite face silhouettes as the backdrop, the souvenir sheet presents two masks — a Chinese mask of "Big Head Buddha" on the left and a Korean mask of "Bongsan Mask Dance Drama (Chwibari Mask)" on the right. The theme of the stamp issue is shown trilingually in Chinese, Korean and English. The vibrant colours and contrasting patterns add an intensity to the costumed images on the stamps."-Hongkong Post
Location:GPO, Hongkong
Time:6.11.2008(First Day of issue)
Postmark:Special postmark and standard postmark
"民間舞蹈源遠流長,風采獨具,內容或反映日常生活,或取材神話傳說。由於歷史文化背景的差異,不同地方的民間舞蹈大異其趣,但當中也有共通之處,例如舞者常會佩戴面具,突顯角色的身分或性格。香港郵政與韓國郵政現以 "面具”為題,聯合發行一套兩枚郵票,展示兩地民間舞蹈中各具特色的面具。這套郵票是香港第九度與海外郵政機關合作推出的郵品。
中國香港面具 — 南獅大頭佛面具
大頭佛的起源眾說不一,但多與獅子有關。南獅表演中最先登場的大頭佛笑口常開,手握葵扇,以滑稽的動作逗引獅子舞出靈巧招式,為喜慶活動增添熱鬧氣氛。大頭佛還會用各種頑皮動作故意戲弄,誘領獅子"採青"或"破陣",象徵為各家各炉帶來"吉祥"、 "豐收"的好兆頭。
大韓民國面具 — 鳳山假面舞面具
"Staged folk dance is a unique performance genre with a long history. Its themes cover a wide spectrum of subjects ranging from people’s daily activities to myths and legends. While folk dances from different nations display a rich variety of styles because of differences in their historical and cultural backgrounds, they do share some common features. One example is the use of masks to highlight the identity or character of individual dancers. Hongkong Post and Korea Post jointly issue a set of two stamps on "Masks" to showcase the distinct folk dance masks of the two places. This marks the ninth joint stamp issue released by Hongkong Post with other postal administrations.
Mask from Hong Kong, China — Big Head Buddha Mask in Southern Lion Dance
There are different versions of the origin of Big Head Buddha, but most are associated with lions. In the Southern Lion Dance, the first one to appear in the show is the always cheerful Big Head Buddha. A fellow with a palm leaf fan in his hand, the Big Head acts in an amusing way to provoke the lion to perform a series of agile manoeuvres, enhancing the joyous festive mood. The Big Head also plays funny tricks on the lion to induce it to "Cai Qing" (Pick the Greens) or "Po Zhen" (Smash the Battle Line), a symbol of bringing "good luck" and "bumper crops" to all households.
Mask from Republic of Korea — Chwibari Mask of Bongsan Mask Dance Drama
The Bongsan Mask Dance Drama, designated the "Important Intangible Cultural Property No. 17 of Korea", is steeped in realism. Each mask used in a performance reveals the occupation and social status of a character. Through delightfully nimble movements and humorous presentation, the dancers satirise social ills or express the concerns and frustrations of ordinary people. Their performance gives the audience an opportunity to temporarily take their minds off their worries. The most famous folk dance form in Korea, the Bongsan Mask Dance Drama is frequently staged at home and abroad during seasonal festivals and celebrations for good harvests or marvellous feats, as well as ceremonies to welcome visiting dignitaries.
With two opposite face silhouettes as the backdrop, the souvenir sheet presents two masks — a Chinese mask of "Big Head Buddha" on the left and a Korean mask of "Bongsan Mask Dance Drama (Chwibari Mask)" on the right. The theme of the stamp issue is shown trilingually in Chinese, Korean and English. The vibrant colours and contrasting patterns add an intensity to the costumed images on the stamps."-Hongkong Post
Japan《The 150th Anniversary of Keio University》FDC
Location:Nihonbashi, Tokyo
Time:(Heisei)20.11.7/7.11.2008(First Day of issue)
Postmark:Special postmark and standard postmark
"慶應義塾大學(假名:けいおうぎじゅくだいがく,英文:Keio University),簡稱慶應大學或慶大,乃日本名思想家福澤諭吉所創建的日本第一所私立大學,仿照英式教育風格,慶應大學以學術自由及校園內蓬勃發展的活動著名。1858年,他設立的洋學塾是源流。大學更培育出日本許多具權威及影響力的人物,如日本IBM副總裁及日本前任總理小泉純一郎等。本部在東京都港區。
慶應義塾最初開始於福澤諭吉於江戶築地鐵砲洲(現在的東京都中央區明石町)所開設的蘭學塾。1868年,遷校至前一年1867年預先購入的芝新錢座(為江戶時代建立的一所鑄幣廠,位於現在的港區濱松町)的有馬家別邸遺跡,正因當年是慶應4年所以從此改稱慶應義塾。而「義塾」為英國的「公學」(Public School)的翻譯語。第二次世界大戰前有所謂的「三田的理財、早稻田的政治、駿河台的法學、白山的哲學」之稱,故位於「三田」的慶應義塾大學在傳統上是以經濟著名,「早稻田」為現在的早稻田大學,「駿河台」指的是中央大學,而「白山」指的是東洋大學。而三田會的存在和以其權勢為背景的知名企業家也不在少數。慶應義塾的塾訓是「獨立自尊」,故大學也延續塾訓而使用。"-wiki
"Keio University (慶應義塾大学, Keiō Gijuku Daigaku) is a university located in Minato, Tokyo, Japan. It is one of the leading universities in Japan,similar to one of America's Ivy League institutions.Keio is the oldest private university in Japan established originally as a school for Western studies in 1858 in Edo (now Tokyo) by founder Fukuzawa Yukichi. Its baseball team plays in the Tokyo Big Six league.
Keio was founded in 1858 by Fukuzawa Yukichi, who had studied the Western educational system at Brown University in the United States. While Keiō's initial identity was that of a private school of Western studies, it expanded and established its first university faculty in 1890, and became known as an influential leader in Japanese higher education.
Rugby union was first introduced to Japanese students at Keio University by Edward Bramwell Clarke and Tanaka Ginnosuke. (The game had been played in the treaty ports of Yokohama and Kobe before that, but not between Japanese teams.)
The interest of Keio's students in baseball stretches back to the early years of the 20th century; and the history of exhibition games was reported internationally. In 1913, an American professional team made of players from the New York Giants and the Chicago White Sox played the Keio team in an exhibition game. In a 1932 exhibition game, the Keio team beat the University of Michigan team which was then touring Japan."-wiki
Location:Nihonbashi, Tokyo
Time:(Heisei)20.11.7/7.11.2008(First Day of issue)
Postmark:Special postmark and standard postmark
"慶應義塾大學(假名:けいおうぎじゅくだいがく,英文:Keio University),簡稱慶應大學或慶大,乃日本名思想家福澤諭吉所創建的日本第一所私立大學,仿照英式教育風格,慶應大學以學術自由及校園內蓬勃發展的活動著名。1858年,他設立的洋學塾是源流。大學更培育出日本許多具權威及影響力的人物,如日本IBM副總裁及日本前任總理小泉純一郎等。本部在東京都港區。
慶應義塾最初開始於福澤諭吉於江戶築地鐵砲洲(現在的東京都中央區明石町)所開設的蘭學塾。1868年,遷校至前一年1867年預先購入的芝新錢座(為江戶時代建立的一所鑄幣廠,位於現在的港區濱松町)的有馬家別邸遺跡,正因當年是慶應4年所以從此改稱慶應義塾。而「義塾」為英國的「公學」(Public School)的翻譯語。第二次世界大戰前有所謂的「三田的理財、早稻田的政治、駿河台的法學、白山的哲學」之稱,故位於「三田」的慶應義塾大學在傳統上是以經濟著名,「早稻田」為現在的早稻田大學,「駿河台」指的是中央大學,而「白山」指的是東洋大學。而三田會的存在和以其權勢為背景的知名企業家也不在少數。慶應義塾的塾訓是「獨立自尊」,故大學也延續塾訓而使用。"-wiki
"Keio University (慶應義塾大学, Keiō Gijuku Daigaku) is a university located in Minato, Tokyo, Japan. It is one of the leading universities in Japan,similar to one of America's Ivy League institutions.Keio is the oldest private university in Japan established originally as a school for Western studies in 1858 in Edo (now Tokyo) by founder Fukuzawa Yukichi. Its baseball team plays in the Tokyo Big Six league.
Keio was founded in 1858 by Fukuzawa Yukichi, who had studied the Western educational system at Brown University in the United States. While Keiō's initial identity was that of a private school of Western studies, it expanded and established its first university faculty in 1890, and became known as an influential leader in Japanese higher education.
Rugby union was first introduced to Japanese students at Keio University by Edward Bramwell Clarke and Tanaka Ginnosuke. (The game had been played in the treaty ports of Yokohama and Kobe before that, but not between Japanese teams.)
The interest of Keio's students in baseball stretches back to the early years of the 20th century; and the history of exhibition games was reported internationally. In 1913, an American professional team made of players from the New York Giants and the Chicago White Sox played the Keio team in an exhibition game. In a 1932 exhibition game, the Keio team beat the University of Michigan team which was then touring Japan."-wiki
Japan《New Year's Greeting Stamps for 2009》FDC
Time:(Heisei)20.11.4/4.11.2008(First Day of issue)
Postmark:Special postmark and standard postmark
Time:(Heisei)20.11.4/4.11.2008(First Day of issue)
Postmark:Special postmark and standard postmark
Japan《1000th Anniversary of The Tale of Genji》FDC
Time:(Heisei)20.9.22/22.9.2008(First Day of issue)
Postmark:Special postmark and standard postmark
"The Tale of Genji (源氏物語, Genji Monogatari) is a classic work of Japanese literature attributed to the Japanese noblewoman Murasaki Shikibu in the early eleventh century, around the peak of the Heian Period. It is sometimes called the world's first novel, the first modern novel, the first psychological novel, or the first novel to still be considered a classic, though this issue is a matter of debate (see Stature below.)
The first partial translation of Genji Monogatari into English was by Suematsu Kenchō. A free translation of all but one chapter was produced by Arthur Waley. Edward Seidensticker made the first complete translation into English, using a more literal method than Waley. The most recent English translation, by Royall Tyler (2001), also tries to be faithful to the original text. Diet member Marutei Tsurunen has also made a translation in Finnish."-Wiki
Time:(Heisei)20.9.22/22.9.2008(First Day of issue)
Postmark:Special postmark and standard postmark
"The Tale of Genji (源氏物語, Genji Monogatari) is a classic work of Japanese literature attributed to the Japanese noblewoman Murasaki Shikibu in the early eleventh century, around the peak of the Heian Period. It is sometimes called the world's first novel, the first modern novel, the first psychological novel, or the first novel to still be considered a classic, though this issue is a matter of debate (see Stature below.)
The first partial translation of Genji Monogatari into English was by Suematsu Kenchō. A free translation of all but one chapter was produced by Arthur Waley. Edward Seidensticker made the first complete translation into English, using a more literal method than Waley. The most recent English translation, by Royall Tyler (2001), also tries to be faithful to the original text. Diet member Marutei Tsurunen has also made a translation in Finnish."-Wiki
2008年12月7日 星期日
Location:Zagreb, Croatia
Time:16.9.2008(First Day of issue)
Postmark:Special postmark and Standard postmark
貧窮修女會(拉丁文:ordo sanctae Clarae),又名嘉勒修女會,是羅馬天主教的一個女性修會,是方濟各會的第二會,由修女阿西西的聖嘉勒和聖方濟各創立於1212年的棕枝主日,成立時間在方濟各會的第二會之後,第三會之前。2004年,在全世界76個國家共有超過20,000名貧窮修女會的修女。
Location:Zagreb, Croatia
Time:16.9.2008(First Day of issue)
Postmark:Special postmark and Standard postmark
貧窮修女會(拉丁文:ordo sanctae Clarae),又名嘉勒修女會,是羅馬天主教的一個女性修會,是方濟各會的第二會,由修女阿西西的聖嘉勒和聖方濟各創立於1212年的棕枝主日,成立時間在方濟各會的第二會之後,第三會之前。2004年,在全世界76個國家共有超過20,000名貧窮修女會的修女。
Belarus《1020th Anniversary of the Christening of Rus》FDC
Location:Minsk(Мінск), Belarus
Time:25.10.2008(First Day of issue)
Postmark:Special postmark and Standard postmark
"The icon Holy Virgin of Iljinsk Chernigov, the 18th century, is from the Greek St. Catherine monastery in Kiev. Now it is kept in the collection of the National Kiev-Pechersk Historic-Cultural Preserve.
The icon Christ Pantocrator, 1678, is from St. Nicolas Church of Pinsk in Brest region. Now it is kept in the collection of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus.
Grand Prince Vladimir from the Deesis row, the 15th century. It was in the collection of I. S. Ostroukhov. Now it is kept in the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow."-Belpost
Location:Minsk(Мінск), Belarus
Time:25.10.2008(First Day of issue)
Postmark:Special postmark and Standard postmark
"The icon Holy Virgin of Iljinsk Chernigov, the 18th century, is from the Greek St. Catherine monastery in Kiev. Now it is kept in the collection of the National Kiev-Pechersk Historic-Cultural Preserve.
The icon Christ Pantocrator, 1678, is from St. Nicolas Church of Pinsk in Brest region. Now it is kept in the collection of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus.
Grand Prince Vladimir from the Deesis row, the 15th century. It was in the collection of I. S. Ostroukhov. Now it is kept in the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow."-Belpost
2008年12月1日 星期一
Vietnam《Vietnam - Argentina joint stamp issue》FDC
Location:Ha Noi, Vietnam
Time:25.10.2008(First Day of issue)
Postmark:Special postmark and Standard postmark
800盾:美人樹 Floss Silk Tree(Chorisia speciosa),別稱:絲綿樹、酩酊樹、酒瓶木棉
落葉喬木,植株平均高8~15公尺(有些高達25公尺),樹幹基部略膨大,樹幹綠色(成樹樹幹綠色帶灰褐),樹幹及樹枝著生疏瘤狀刺(用以儲存水份),樹狀傘形,側枝呈斜水平狀向上開展。夏末到秋天開花,冬季落葉。葉具長柄互生、掌狀複葉,小葉5~7枚,橢圓形或倒長卵形,葉緣有鋸齒。花苞圓珠狀,花頂生、總狀花序,花冠紫紅色或淡粉紅色、裂片五瓣,近中心處白色帶紫褐。朔果橢圓形,長可達20公分,種子黑色具棉毛與木棉果實相似。白花美人樹(Chorisia insignis)與美人樹同屬,夏末到秋天開花,花冠五瓣、乳黃至乳白色。
附註:美人樹的外型不仔細看和木棉很相似,但它的樹幹較綠,木棉花是黃橙色,美人樹的花則是紫紅色。美人樹與木棉同科,由於樹幹造形奇特有如日式陶瓷酒瓶而得名「酒瓶木棉」。木棉的原產地在印度,美人樹則原產於南美洲,「酩酊樹」這個別稱即來自palo borracho ,西班牙文原意是「喝醉的樹」
10,000盾:荷花(Nelumbo nucifera)是蓮科蓮屬多年生水生草本植物,又稱蓮花。古稱芙蓉、菡萏、芙蕖。荷花原產于中國,通常在水花園裡種植。荷花是印度的國花。
荷花的根莖種植在池塘或河流底部的淤泥上,而荷葉挺出水面。 在伸出水面幾厘米的花莖上長著花朵。荷花一般長到150厘米高,橫向擴展到3米。荷葉最大可達直徑60厘米。引人人注目的蓮花最大直徑可達20厘米。
"On the occasion of the 35th anniversary of Argentine-Vietnamese diplomatic relations, the Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) specially issues the stampset: “Vietnam - Argentine Joint stamp issue” on the 25th of October 2008 at Hanoi consisting of 02 values with their denominations of 800d and 10,000d.
The stampset depicts the typical species of beautiful flowers in two countries: Lotus in Vietnam and Floss Silk Tree in Argentine issuing
- Value (2-1), denomination of 800d: Floss Silk Tree
Considered one of the most beautiful trees in the world, the Floss Silk Tree is a species of deciduous tropical plant from Argentina and Brazil. It is resistant to drought and moderate cold. It grows fast in spurts when water is abundant, and sometimes reaches more than 25m in height. Silk Floss blooms in early Fall with abandon. The older the tree, the better the flower display. And with individual trees grown from seed there are variations in the flower colors; more pink, more rose, etc. The fruits are ligneous ovoid pods, 20 cm long, which contain bean-sized black seeds surrounded by a mass of fibrous, fluffy matter reminiscent of cotton or silk.
Silk Floss Tree is cultivated as a flowering specimen tree. The seedpod silk has been used to stuff cushions.
- Value (2-2), denomination of 10,000d: Lotus
This is the typical Lotus flower in West Lake of Hanoi - Vietnam. Lotus flowers in West Lake are unique for both their color and fragrance; they are lighter pink and sweeter in fragrance.
In Viet Nam, Lotus is assigned to the set of four seasons "Tø QuÝ": Orchids, Lotus, Daisies, Apricot blossoms and is also the symbol of Summer. Lotus tree has a lot of use. The department lotus flowers are processed food featuring flavor tastes of Viet Nam such as lotus rootstock salad, sugar coats lotus seeds, lotus compote, lotus tea... Lotus tea is a common drink in Vietnam. Lotus tea made from West Lake's lotus flowers is well known with its own unique flavor.
This beautiful flower is a symbol of the refined and unyielding spirit of the Vietnamese people."-Vietnam stamp
Location:Ha Noi, Vietnam
Time:25.10.2008(First Day of issue)
Postmark:Special postmark and Standard postmark
800盾:美人樹 Floss Silk Tree(Chorisia speciosa),別稱:絲綿樹、酩酊樹、酒瓶木棉
落葉喬木,植株平均高8~15公尺(有些高達25公尺),樹幹基部略膨大,樹幹綠色(成樹樹幹綠色帶灰褐),樹幹及樹枝著生疏瘤狀刺(用以儲存水份),樹狀傘形,側枝呈斜水平狀向上開展。夏末到秋天開花,冬季落葉。葉具長柄互生、掌狀複葉,小葉5~7枚,橢圓形或倒長卵形,葉緣有鋸齒。花苞圓珠狀,花頂生、總狀花序,花冠紫紅色或淡粉紅色、裂片五瓣,近中心處白色帶紫褐。朔果橢圓形,長可達20公分,種子黑色具棉毛與木棉果實相似。白花美人樹(Chorisia insignis)與美人樹同屬,夏末到秋天開花,花冠五瓣、乳黃至乳白色。
附註:美人樹的外型不仔細看和木棉很相似,但它的樹幹較綠,木棉花是黃橙色,美人樹的花則是紫紅色。美人樹與木棉同科,由於樹幹造形奇特有如日式陶瓷酒瓶而得名「酒瓶木棉」。木棉的原產地在印度,美人樹則原產於南美洲,「酩酊樹」這個別稱即來自palo borracho ,西班牙文原意是「喝醉的樹」
10,000盾:荷花(Nelumbo nucifera)是蓮科蓮屬多年生水生草本植物,又稱蓮花。古稱芙蓉、菡萏、芙蕖。荷花原產于中國,通常在水花園裡種植。荷花是印度的國花。
荷花的根莖種植在池塘或河流底部的淤泥上,而荷葉挺出水面。 在伸出水面幾厘米的花莖上長著花朵。荷花一般長到150厘米高,橫向擴展到3米。荷葉最大可達直徑60厘米。引人人注目的蓮花最大直徑可達20厘米。
"On the occasion of the 35th anniversary of Argentine-Vietnamese diplomatic relations, the Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) specially issues the stampset: “Vietnam - Argentine Joint stamp issue” on the 25th of October 2008 at Hanoi consisting of 02 values with their denominations of 800d and 10,000d.
The stampset depicts the typical species of beautiful flowers in two countries: Lotus in Vietnam and Floss Silk Tree in Argentine issuing
- Value (2-1), denomination of 800d: Floss Silk Tree
Considered one of the most beautiful trees in the world, the Floss Silk Tree is a species of deciduous tropical plant from Argentina and Brazil. It is resistant to drought and moderate cold. It grows fast in spurts when water is abundant, and sometimes reaches more than 25m in height. Silk Floss blooms in early Fall with abandon. The older the tree, the better the flower display. And with individual trees grown from seed there are variations in the flower colors; more pink, more rose, etc. The fruits are ligneous ovoid pods, 20 cm long, which contain bean-sized black seeds surrounded by a mass of fibrous, fluffy matter reminiscent of cotton or silk.
Silk Floss Tree is cultivated as a flowering specimen tree. The seedpod silk has been used to stuff cushions.
- Value (2-2), denomination of 10,000d: Lotus
This is the typical Lotus flower in West Lake of Hanoi - Vietnam. Lotus flowers in West Lake are unique for both their color and fragrance; they are lighter pink and sweeter in fragrance.
In Viet Nam, Lotus is assigned to the set of four seasons "Tø QuÝ": Orchids, Lotus, Daisies, Apricot blossoms and is also the symbol of Summer. Lotus tree has a lot of use. The department lotus flowers are processed food featuring flavor tastes of Viet Nam such as lotus rootstock salad, sugar coats lotus seeds, lotus compote, lotus tea... Lotus tea is a common drink in Vietnam. Lotus tea made from West Lake's lotus flowers is well known with its own unique flavor.
This beautiful flower is a symbol of the refined and unyielding spirit of the Vietnamese people."-Vietnam stamp
Philippine《Philippine Wild Ducks》FDC
綠頭鴨,學名Anas platyrhynchos,又名大頭綠(雄)、蒲鴨(雌),是家鴨的野生種。綠頭鴨也是地球上飛得第五快的鳥類,達到每小時65公里。
小水鴨,學名Anas carolinensis,是雁鴨科冬候鳥中體型最小的一種,待的時間也最長,但是卻不會像花嘴鴨或綠頭鴨一樣反而變成了留鳥
鳳頭潛鴨,學名Aythya fuligula,又名澤鳧、鳳頭鴨子、黑頭四鴨。
棉鳧(Nettapus coromandelianus),又名棉鴨,是印度、巴基斯坦、東南亞及澳洲的細小棲鴨。
The Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos), probably the best-known and most recognizable of all ducks, is a dabbling duck which breeds throughout the temperate and sub-tropical areas of North America, Europe, Asia, New Zealand (where it is currently the most common duck species), and Australia. It is strongly migratory in the northern parts of its breeding range, and winters farther south. For example, in North America it winters south to Mexico, but also regularly strays into Central America and the Caribbean between September and May.
The Green-winged Teal (GWT, Anas carolinensis) is a common and widespread duck which breeds in the northern areas of North America except on the Aleutian Islands. It was considered conspecific with the Common Teal for some time, and the issue is still being reviewed by the American Ornithologists' Union [1]; based on this the IUCN and BirdLife International (BirdLife International, 2004) do not accept it as a separate species at present. However, nearly all other authorities consider it distinct nowadays, based on behavioral (Laurie-Ahlberg & McKinney 1979), morphological (Livezey, 1991), and molecular (Johnson & Sorenson 1999) evidence (discussed by Sangster et al., 2002).
The Tufted Duck, Aythya fuligula, is a medium-sized diving duck with a population of close to one million birds.
The adult male is all black except for white flanks and a blue-grey bill. It has an obvious head tuft that gives the species its name. The adult female is brown with paler flanks, and is more easily confused with other diving ducks. In particular, some have white around the bill base which resembles the scaup species, although the white is never as extensive as in those ducks.
The only duck which is at all similar is the drake North American Ring-necked Duck, which however has a different head shape, no tuft and greyish flanks.
The Tufted Duck is one of the species to which the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (AEWA) applies.
The Cotton Pygmy Goose or the Cotton Teal, Nettapus coromandelianus is a small perching duck which breeds in India, Pakistan, southeast Asia and south to northern Australia. It is locally known as Girri, Girria, Girja (Hindi); Gurgura (Etawah); Bali hans (Bengal); Bhullia hans (Bangladesh); Dandana (Orissa); Ade, Atla (Ratnagiri); Naher, Keeke, Chuwa (Nowgong, Assam); Baher, Kararhi (Sind, Pakistan).
綠頭鴨,學名Anas platyrhynchos,又名大頭綠(雄)、蒲鴨(雌),是家鴨的野生種。綠頭鴨也是地球上飛得第五快的鳥類,達到每小時65公里。
小水鴨,學名Anas carolinensis,是雁鴨科冬候鳥中體型最小的一種,待的時間也最長,但是卻不會像花嘴鴨或綠頭鴨一樣反而變成了留鳥
鳳頭潛鴨,學名Aythya fuligula,又名澤鳧、鳳頭鴨子、黑頭四鴨。
棉鳧(Nettapus coromandelianus),又名棉鴨,是印度、巴基斯坦、東南亞及澳洲的細小棲鴨。
The Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos), probably the best-known and most recognizable of all ducks, is a dabbling duck which breeds throughout the temperate and sub-tropical areas of North America, Europe, Asia, New Zealand (where it is currently the most common duck species), and Australia. It is strongly migratory in the northern parts of its breeding range, and winters farther south. For example, in North America it winters south to Mexico, but also regularly strays into Central America and the Caribbean between September and May.
The Green-winged Teal (GWT, Anas carolinensis) is a common and widespread duck which breeds in the northern areas of North America except on the Aleutian Islands. It was considered conspecific with the Common Teal for some time, and the issue is still being reviewed by the American Ornithologists' Union [1]; based on this the IUCN and BirdLife International (BirdLife International, 2004) do not accept it as a separate species at present. However, nearly all other authorities consider it distinct nowadays, based on behavioral (Laurie-Ahlberg & McKinney 1979), morphological (Livezey, 1991), and molecular (Johnson & Sorenson 1999) evidence (discussed by Sangster et al., 2002).
The Tufted Duck, Aythya fuligula, is a medium-sized diving duck with a population of close to one million birds.
The adult male is all black except for white flanks and a blue-grey bill. It has an obvious head tuft that gives the species its name. The adult female is brown with paler flanks, and is more easily confused with other diving ducks. In particular, some have white around the bill base which resembles the scaup species, although the white is never as extensive as in those ducks.
The only duck which is at all similar is the drake North American Ring-necked Duck, which however has a different head shape, no tuft and greyish flanks.
The Tufted Duck is one of the species to which the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (AEWA) applies.
The Cotton Pygmy Goose or the Cotton Teal, Nettapus coromandelianus is a small perching duck which breeds in India, Pakistan, southeast Asia and south to northern Australia. It is locally known as Girri, Girria, Girja (Hindi); Gurgura (Etawah); Bali hans (Bengal); Bhullia hans (Bangladesh); Dandana (Orissa); Ade, Atla (Ratnagiri); Naher, Keeke, Chuwa (Nowgong, Assam); Baher, Kararhi (Sind, Pakistan).
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