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2008年12月20日 星期六


Japan《The 150th Anniversary of Keio University》FDC

Location:Nihonbashi, Tokyo
Time:(Heisei)20.11.7/7.11.2008(First Day of issue)
Postmark:Special postmark and standard postmark


"慶應義塾大學(假名:けいおうぎじゅくだいがく,英文:Keio University),簡稱慶應大學或慶大,乃日本名思想家福澤諭吉所創建的日本第一所私立大學,仿照英式教育風格,慶應大學以學術自由及校園內蓬勃發展的活動著名。1858年,他設立的洋學塾是源流。大學更培育出日本許多具權威及影響力的人物,如日本IBM副總裁及日本前任總理小泉純一郎等。本部在東京都港區。

慶應義塾最初開始於福澤諭吉於江戶築地鐵砲洲(現在的東京都中央區明石町)所開設的蘭學塾。1868年,遷校至前一年1867年預先購入的芝新錢座(為江戶時代建立的一所鑄幣廠,位於現在的港區濱松町)的有馬家別邸遺跡,正因當年是慶應4年所以從此改稱慶應義塾。而「義塾」為英國的「公學」(Public School)的翻譯語。第二次世界大戰前有所謂的「三田的理財、早稻田的政治、駿河台的法學、白山的哲學」之稱,故位於「三田」的慶應義塾大學在傳統上是以經濟著名,「早稻田」為現在的早稻田大學,「駿河台」指的是中央大學,而「白山」指的是東洋大學。而三田會的存在和以其權勢為背景的知名企業家也不在少數。慶應義塾的塾訓是「獨立自尊」,故大學也延續塾訓而使用。"-wiki

"Keio University (慶應義塾大学, Keiō Gijuku Daigaku) is a university located in Minato, Tokyo, Japan. It is one of the leading universities in Japan,similar to one of America's Ivy League institutions.Keio is the oldest private university in Japan established originally as a school for Western studies in 1858 in Edo (now Tokyo) by founder Fukuzawa Yukichi. Its baseball team plays in the Tokyo Big Six league.

Keio was founded in 1858 by Fukuzawa Yukichi, who had studied the Western educational system at Brown University in the United States. While Keiō's initial identity was that of a private school of Western studies, it expanded and established its first university faculty in 1890, and became known as an influential leader in Japanese higher education.

Rugby union was first introduced to Japanese students at Keio University by Edward Bramwell Clarke and Tanaka Ginnosuke. (The game had been played in the treaty ports of Yokohama and Kobe before that, but not between Japanese teams.)

The interest of Keio's students in baseball stretches back to the early years of the 20th century; and the history of exhibition games was reported internationally. In 1913, an American professional team made of players from the New York Giants and the Chicago White Sox played the Keio team in an exhibition game. In a 1932 exhibition game, the Keio team beat the University of Michigan team which was then touring Japan."-wiki

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